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A Movie: NYC Qualifier 4

AIM and Sciborg members

Eight days ago today, AIM Robots had one of the most dramatic and exciting days in team history. At NYC Qualifier 4, we battled it out on the field with some tough competition. We were grateful to walk away with an alliance win as captain and first place Think Award, third place Inspire Award, and second place Motivate Award. But this qualifier meant more than a win or any award. It was proof that the effort - the sweat, eye bags, and long hours - was all worth it. Specifically, we showed ourselves that we could improve.

Overall, we all found it an exciting and nearly cinematic day. Here are some takeaways that individual members had:

Gideon says that, in one word, it was “lit.”

Kai says it was “Exhilarating.”

Ellie said, “It was incredible watching all of our individual contributions come together to reach success. I loved watching everyone come and work together. ”

Amelia said, “It was a long day, but it was worth it in every way. That day solidified my love for AIM and FIRST. We showed ourselves what we were capable of and I’m super excited for the rest of this season.”

Our mentors, the FRC Bronx Science Sciborgs, helped us immensely at the qualifier and the week leading up to it. They also had a thrilling experience - member Ray said it was, “a movie”. Member Shake said it was “a great display of camaraderie and a big step up [from the last qualifier].”

Ultimately, our dedication paid off, and we are one step closer to our goal. But, the job’s not finished, and we are excited to continue preparing for the next round.

Thank you to John Dewey High School for hosting this event, the FIRST organization, and everyone who made it a great experience.

To all those qualified, congrats, and see you at Supers!

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